Montessori Overview

Multiage groups

Early childhood and adolescent classrooms are set up in multiage groups of 3-6 year olds, 1st - 2nd grade, 3rd - 4th grade, and 5th - 6th grade.

Uninterrupted Work Cycles

Typically, children are provided with a 3 hour span of time to work with Montessori materials and receive new lessons without transitioning to other activities.

Guided choice of work

Children experience sensitive periods in which they are more attune to specific learning.  The teacher tries to match appropriate materials and lessons with these sensitive periods in order for learning to be internalized.

Montessori Materials

Hands-on manipulation of materials is the primary approach to guiding children from a concrete understanding of skills to the application of abstract concepts. Materials are designed to be an integral part of investigation and discovery. Many are designed to provide a student with a control-of-error in self-checking work.

Prepared Environment

The classroom is ordered and designed so that children understand the progression and sequence to learning new concepts in the various subject areas. Classroom materials are on accessible shelves so students my use them as needed. Each classroom is suited to the developmental needs of its students. Artwork, natural lighting, soft colors, uncluttered work spaces.

Freedom of Movement

Children are able to determine where and with whom they chose to work. Often children choose to work independently on the floor at rugs, at tables with a small group of students, or alone at desks or other work areas. Children are free to take care of their own physical needs, such as eating a snack during the work cycle or relieving themselves, without needing to obtain permission from the teacher.

“And so we discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.”

— Maria Montessori