Financial Aid
Financial Aid Purpose
Financial Aid for Woodlawn Preparatory School is provided by private individuals, corporate donors, and Woodlawn Church. As such, the Financial Aid Committee of the WPS School Board wishes to ensure a level of accountability on the part of recipients to guarantee that the funds are being utilized for the purpose they were intended. The purpose of financial aid is two-fold. They are to assist families who are fiscally responsible but have indicated a financial need in order to help cover the cost of tuition. They are to reward families whose child reflects the characteristics Woodlawn Preparatory School seeks in its student body.
Financial Aid is awarded on a yearly basis and must be applied for each year. It is only awarded to families who have paid the registration fee for the following school year.
Once awarded, financial aid funds are guaranteed to the recipient family for the year as long as all conditions continue to be met. The sum of the funds awarded are divided into 10 monthly allotments from August to May.
Because financial aid awards are viewed as a privilege, it is important for recipient families to understand the conditions required of them in order to continue receiving it during the designated school year.
The balance of each month’s tuition must be paid by the 15th day of each month from August to May. A parent/guardian who is not able to fulfill their part of the financial obligation to the school will lose the scholarship for the remainder of the school year.
The parent/guardian must participate in at least 3 parent volunteer activities during the school year, which equal to at least 5 hours total. Parents will be asked to participate in a fundraiser to help support the following year’s financial aid fund.
The student must continue to display good citizenship in his/her behavior during the school year. A student who exhibits more than one Class II Behavior in a term as defined by the WPS Discipline Ladder (found in the Student and Parent Handbook) may lose financial aid funds for the remainder of the school year.
The student must continue to display acceptable levels of academic achievement during the school year.
A student who is not able to maintain an 80% in all graded subject areas and maintain 80% Satisfactory or Mastery marks in non-graded subject areas on each Nine Weeks Report Card may lose their financial aid funds for the remainder of the school year.
The student must continue to display acceptable levels of on-time attendance during the school year.
A student who is absent more than 4 days per term (which includes 4 accrued tardies that count for one absence) may lose their financial aid for the remainder of the school year.
Deadline for submission is June 30